Resource for patient and public involvement in early phase cancer research
The ECMC network Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Group has written a booklet to support people affected by cancer who are taking part in PPI activities in early phase (Phase 1 and 2) cancer research. This booklet gives a brief overview of the early phase cancer research world and highlights how this differs from later phase cancer research.
If you run or support a PPI Group/Patient Panel where members are, for example, involved in commenting on documentation for early phase cancer trials or where members sit on steering committees for Phase 1 or 2 cancer trials you may want to encourage them to refer to this booklet. Please note that this booklet should be used to supplement existing training and education that PPI members receive.
Version 1 of this booklet was released in March 2018 as an 'under consultation' document and we welcomed feedback on it. Based on the feedback we received the booklet has been revised. It is now titled Early phase cancer research: a reference guide for patient and public involvement contributors and can be downloaded from this website.
The ECMC PPI Group would still welcome feedback on this resource; please send any comments to ECMCAdmin@cancer.org.uk