Paediatric Network

ECMC Paediatric Network:

The ECMC Paediatric Network brings together clinicians and translational scientists to run early phase clinical trials for children and young people with cancer. Formed of 12 paediatric phase I/II centres, the network functions as a single virtual centre to improve patient recruitment and expand geographical access to novel anticancer agents.

  • 5 Innovative Therapies for Children with Cancer European Consortium (ITCC) designated first-in-child centres
  • A dedicated patient referral network
  • Whole-genome and targeted panel sequencing
  • Advanced imaging and biobanking

If you would like to learn more, please get in touch with Sumair Nizamuddin, our Paediatric Impact and Engagement Manager:




We now have a strong, functional network for early phase clinical trial activity in the UK. We have worked hard to make the UK an attractive site for early phase clinical trials in childhood cancer, and the success of this is borne out by the excellent relationships that have been established with a number of drug companies
Dr Guy Makin, Paediatric Network Lead