How to work with us
How you can work with us:
If your organisation is interested in working with the ECMC Network, please complete the Company Engagement Form, which can be found on the right. The information you provide will help us better understand how we can support you.
A PDF version of the Company Engagement Form is provided here. This is for reference only and to provide an overview of the questions included in the form.
The Company Engagement Form, along with any information emailed to ecmcadmin@cancer.org.uk will be assessed by a member of the Programme Office who will contact you to discuss how best to progress your opportunity.
The Programme Office can provide support through our streamlined Expression of Interest process which covers the following opportunities:
Consultation with clinical academics in the Network to review the viability of an opportunity (e.g. protocol development and study delivery within the network trial design, patient populations, delivery in the network etc.) with the expectation the subsequent trial will be delivered with the network.
Collaborative opportunity
Company working in close collaboration with clinical academics, with input into study design and scientific objectives of the study. This could be fully funded by commercial partner, third party funding (e.g. grant application) or a shared risk reward model.
Site placement opportunity
Site identification service for fully funded opportunity and defined study protocol in place.
For more information, please see diagrams below highlighting the process for both the Adult and Paediatric Network. Due to the rarity and small population size in paediatric cancers, an additional review step by the Clinical Trials Advisory Group is necessary to assess whether the opportunity is suitable for sending out to the Network. A strategic review of the national landscape is needed to avoid any conflicting studies.
ECMC Adult Network Study Opportunities Process
ECMC Paediatric Network Study Opportunities Process